Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oh Public Road!

Algiers, Louisiana, 2001 © Peter Kayafas
This afternoon I'm traveling to Cambridge, MA for a meeting to plan my upcoming show at the Harvard Museum of Natural History. I'm looking forward to hitting the road. I hope to find a few stranded motorists along the way.

I've had photography about the American road and cars on my mind lately with Robert Frank's The Americans opening this week at the Met and Nicolai Howalt's stark and abstract Car Crash Studies on view at Silverstein. I've also been looking at the (relatively) new book by Peter Kayafas, O Public Road!

Sasha Wolfe introduced me to Peter's work over the summer and I've been engrossed by the images ever since. The book includes spare black and white photos from the last 20 years of Peter's travels across the US. I appreciate the echoes of Frank's 1955 journey.

You can view images from the book on Peter's Web site and order it directly from Purple Martin Press.
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