Midway, London, Kentucky © Susana Raab
My foyer looks like a yard sale right now. I have pulled out and piled clothes and equipment, cords and books, computers and toiletries in a mad attempt to fit it all in my suitcase and take it with me to Denmark this Friday. Things are anxious to say the least, but that doesn't mean I can't maintain my usual New York art scene schedule. Tonight, I will be going to the opening reception for the Affordable Art Fair and then over to Tribeca for the NYMPhoto Group Show opening at Sasha Wolf Gallery.
The NYMPhoto show at Sasha Wolf will be full of impressive work by a number of talented photographers including dear friends Juliana Beasley, Tema Stauffer, Nina Corvallo and Susana Raab.
Three years ago my work was featured in the SVA booth at the Affordable Art Fair. It was the first time my prints were presented in a market context and the first time they received a measure of public recognition. I would highly recommend stopping by AAF this week and purchasing the amazing work of current students and recent grads from the School of Visual Arts. And, while you're there, stop by the KlompChing Booth and check out the work of Lisa Robinson, Simon Roberts and William Greiner.

Jeongmee Yoon and Her Black Things © Jeongmee Yoon
Also, if you are in San Francisco this Thursday, you must go to the opening reception of Jeongmee Yoon's show at Jenkins Johnson Gallery. Jeongmee's Pink & Blue Project is gorgeous and must be seen in person to really be appreciated. Plus, she is as sweet as sugar cake. If you go, please tell her Amy said hi!