© Paul Graham
I am still buzzing after seeing Paul Graham speak tonight at Swann Galleries, but I wanted to do a quick post about the Camera Club of New York's Darkroom Residency Program. If you are selected they will give you film, paper, a $3,000 stipend, access to CCNY's darkrooms (black and white and color) and shooting studio with up to three printing/shooting sessions per week during a three-month term. Here are the details:
The Camera Club of New York invites emerging photographers, who are not enrolled in undergraduate, graduate or certificate photo programs, to apply for a three-month residency at its Manhattan facility at 336 W. 37th St. Suite 206. A jury will select four residents for 2009.By the way, it won't cost you a thing to enter. Read more about it on the CCNY Web site.
Please send a CD with 10 images, jpg files only at 72dpi, approx.1024 x 768 pixels (no more than 1 MB), with cv (hard copy) and separate image description list (title, date, medium, dimension--hard copy, please) and any support materials to Camera Club of New York, 336 W. 37th St, Suite 206, NY, NY 10018-4212 by Dec. 13th (postmark deadline.)
Applications may also be dropped off (through a mail slot in the door.) Please be sure to label your CD and include SASE for return of materials. Decisions will be announced by Dec. 23. The first residency begins Jan 1, 2009.
For questions, email us at info@cameraclubny.org.