A couple of days ago I received an email from a public relations firm inviting me to a product preview party for Nikon at Buddha Bar in the Meatpacking District. Clearly, these folks recognized me as the influential connector and cultural king-maker that I am and wanted some of that magic to grace their flashy, super cool PR spectacular. As I've stated before, I am the opposite of cool. And, I don't mean that in an ironic way that might suggest I am cool. I am literally not cool. So, it was with great trepidation and a supreme curiosity that I decided to RSVP and attend the event Wednesday night.
We felt it critical to begin the evening with a relaxing dinner and a few glasses of wine to settle the nerves before we headed to the Meatpacking District to rub shoulders with the models and i-bankers. Every time I go to that part of town I feel so out of place that I am overcome by an irrational fear that style snipers will spot me and fire a couple of warning rounds at my feet to drive me back into the West Village. Properly juiced, the stroll through the Meatpacking District proved carefree.
Once at Buddha Bar we were greeted by a yellow carpet, super bright something-fabulous-is-going-on-here exterior lighting and an endless succession of people with clipboards and walkie-talkies asking for our names to check against their master list. There were so many clipboard checkpoints it felt like we were trying to get into the Green Zone. In the end the wait was worth it. We made it through the final velvet rope and were lead to a fantastical land where the bar was top shelf and open and the sushi flowed freely. The evening was all about the product, so friendly Nikon reps were there to showcase their line of new digital cameras. Oh, and I was given a free CoolPix camera on a silver plater. Not bad. I quickly warmed to the idea that I really did belong in a place like this.
So, let it be known to all PR people, Amy Stein has embraced her inner shill and is now ready to bring her brand of cool to your corporate event. Of course, I will be preparing a proper rider to make the process of satisfying my needs a little easier. (Kabbalah water, purple Skittles and a carton of Lucky Strikes--you know, standard issue stuff.) If you are interested just have your people contact my people.