© Simon Norfolk
Last night was Rachael Dunville's big opening at Peer Gallery and the joint was packed with her friends and family from Missouri, supportive SVA alums, admirers, and the endless throngs of art school hipsters, matrons and patrons, and Blackberry cowboys that come out on a typical Chelsea Thursday. Rachael's work looked great and she was deservedly beaming in the moment.After an hour or two we sneaked away from the crowd and went to grab a quick bite. As is the restaurant custom in New York we were seated within inches of diners on our left and right at a table that was too small to hold the breadbasket, the saltshaker, and the ubiquitous Ikea votive. On many nights this type of seating situation can make for an awkward dining experience, but some nights you get lucky and your fellow diners are generous enough to provide a little reality programming to go with your entree.
Last night a lovely lesbian couple decided to “lay it on the line” for us in an earnest succession of overwrought monologues that ultimately amounted to nothing more than admission of mild interest in each other. As the wine flowed so did the eye-gazing and grand statements of ‘like’ each time punctuated by a “you’re so hot” or a “I find you so sexy” and an across the table make out session. Bravo, ladies, bravo.
After dinner we caught a cab to Rachael’s after-party at Mathew and Nate’s too fabulous pad in Greenwich Village. Upon arrival I was immediately blown away by the amazing photography collection on their walls and the quality of cheeses on their serving dishes. I had too many wonderful conversations and met too many wonderful people to list them all, but highlights included meeting John Bennette and Simon Norfolk. Never have I been to a party in this city where the crowd was universally interesting and douchebag free.
All in all, it was a great evening and perfect celebration of Rachael's success.